Tech It Easy

Simplify Your Business, Amplify Your Impact

Simplify Your Business, Amplify Your Impact

A program created specifically for ​solopreneurs with day jobs looking to ​streamline their tech systems, simplify their ​processes, and bring ease to their life and ​business.


So, You're a Solopreneur ​with a Day Job.

Well sis, it’s time to make tech your team!

Balancing a full-time job while running your own business is no joke. You’re pushing through, pursuing your passion, and making ish happen every day.

But let’s be real—technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s time to take control and make it work for you, not against you.

I know exactly how you ​feel, my girl...

🚩You're spending most of the day helping ​someone else build their dream, leaving you ​with just a few hours to build your own.

🚩You're trying to keep your business ​running smoothly even when you're not ​there.

🚩You're constantly spending money on tech ​tools that work for your industry inspirations, ​but don't seem to work for you.

🚩You're spending most of your time trying ​to figure out systems instead of showing up ​for clients.

🚩You're juggling work and business most ​days. On top of that, you have active kids ​and a social life. Sis is tired!

And you’re probably thinking to ​yourself...

“I thought technology was suppose to make life easier!”

See, that’s the thing about tech tools.

Just as quickly as they can bring ease, they can also cause a whole lotta chaos. Especially, when there are so many options out there to choose from and all of them seem like the best thing since sliced bread.

So here you are, signing up for yet another tech tool in hopes that this will be the one that solves all of your problems. The gotcha is, you don’t really know what tools are the right tools for what you’re trying to accomplish.

That’s why you need a strategy. One that’s not just based on using what everybody else is using, but one that’s customized for how you desire to do life and business.

That’s what Tech It Easy is here to help you do!

Kristen Pate


You're building your dream

Every day, you're making strides toward your dream, even if it's just for a few hours. Those hours are powerful steps toward your ultimate goal.

Creating a self-sustaining business

You're on a mission to set up a business that thrives even in your absence, ensuring continuous growth and success.

Finding the perfect tools for yoU

You're discovering the tech tools that truly resonate with your unique business needs, paving the way for your entrepreneurial success.

Mastering tech one step at a time

You're steadily improving your tech skills, enabling you to focus more on serving your clients and less on figuring out systems.

Balancing life and business beautifully

You're successfully juggling work, business, active kids, and a vibrant social life. You're a powerhouse managing it all with grace.

Turning tech-chaos into tech-confidence

You're transforming your tech challenges into opportunities for growth, reducing anxiety and finding clarity and focus.

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That sounds like a dream Kris.

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Can your program really help me do that?


Tech It Easy

Tech It Easy

A comprehensive, self-paced program, designed ​for busy solopreneurs who want to regain ​control of their life and business by building a ​tech-smart business that saves them money and ​gives them back their time and freedom.

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Meet Kris,

Your Tech Coach

Hey Boo! I’m Kris Pate, Certified Educator, ​Tech Director, and Solopreneur .

My knowledge and experience makes me ​the perfect person to help you understand ​the benefits of technology applications.

My mission is to help more Black women to ​live lives of ease by letting tech do the ​heavy lifting.

Together we will calm your tech fears and ​optimize your tech tools for how you ​desire to do life & business.

Lemme break it down for you...

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Learn at your leisure with pre-recorded lessons ​that will help you make impactful changes in ​your life and business one step at a time.

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Live Monthly ​Coaching and Q&As

The best place to get your specific questions ​answered is the live coaching sessions held ​once a month. Hop into the hot seat for some ​1:1 time with Coach Kris!


Members Only Community

Get feedback and support from like-minded business owners just like you. Morning, noon, or night! We’re here to support each other.

and more...

What You’ll Learn:

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Choosing the Right Tools

Discover the best tech tools designed for your business needs.

Learn how to easily implement these tools into your workflow.

Avoid key errors and pick tools that serve your business while ​it grows.

Exploring All the Features

Dig into the treasure trove of features and hidden gems your ​tools offer.

Step-by-step tutorials and live demos.

Learn how to use every tool in your arsenal to the max.

Auditing and Optimization

Analyze your current tech setup.

Find areas for improvement.

Get an optimization plan tailored for your stack, with specific ​recommendations.

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Why Tech It Easy?

Created for Solopreneurs

Service Providers, this program is for you by being compatible ​with your day job and providing simple and grounded advice that ​respects your energy and time.

Tech Made Simple

You’ll experience tech skill building lessons delivered in digestible ​bites; erasing that overwhelmed feeling with direct, actionable ​advice.

A Tribe with a Vibe

You’ll be part of a tight solopreneur community where we share ​insights, give advice, and build friendships that bring joy and ​comfort as we grow, celebrate, and rise together.

Once you finish you will ​be able to...


Pick the perfect tech tools for your business and master them, so they seamlessly fit into what you’re already doing.


Discover all the amazing possibilities you already have by unlocking and using all the features the tools have.


Perform a proper audit and organize your tech setup to drastically minimize the time you spend on tedious tasks.


Use proven strategies to learn new habits that will help you get more done so that you can focus on what really matters.


Grow your tech confidence, so you can easily figure out how to solve any tech-related issue and avoid wasting hours on frustration.


How long is the program?

This program is 100% self-paced and consist of three modules with focused ​trainings and actionable activities.

What kind of support will I receive?

You'll have access to live sessions every month, a private community group ​for peer support, and on-demand training videos. Additionally, you'll receive ​bonus materials like checklists, templates, and exclusive workshops.

Do I need to be tech-savvy to join this program?

No, you don't need to be a tech expert to benefit from this program. The ​content is designed to be accessible and actionable for solopreneurs at any ​tech skill level.

How much time will I need to commit each week?

Expect to dedicate about 1-2 hours per week for lessons, action items, and ​live coaching sessions.

Can I access the content after the program ends?

Yes, you'll have lifetime access to all the training materials, including all ​future updates, so you can revisit the content whenever you need.

What if I fall behind?

No worries! The program is designed to be flexible. You can catch up on the ​lessons and action items at your own pace. The community and coaching ​sessions will also be there to support you.

What if I have more questions?

Feel free to reach out via email:, or join the free app ​to learn more about the program and ask any questions you have (app ​details at the bottom of the page).




On Demand Lessons & ​Trainings

◈Monthly Live Coaching ​Calls ($2997 Value)*

◈Bonus Resource Library

($1997 Value)

◈Members-Only Community

($997 Value)

◈Web & App Access

◈Lifetime Access


*Continues beyond the 12-weeks




◈ On Demand Lessons & Trainings

◈Monthly Live Coaching Calls ($2997 Value)*

◈Bonus Resource Library

($1997 Value)

◈Members-Only Community

($997 Value)

◈Web & App Access

◈Lifetime Access



*Continues beyond the 12-weeks


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